FriendshipEssay 600

My Best Friend: The Superhero in My Life

I’ve met many kinds of fathers. Some are strict, some are carefree. Some are always traveling, while others are buried in work. There are fathers who are playful, fathers who are perfectionists, and fathers who are quick to anger.

I’ve read stories of fathers who would do anything to protect their children. Fathers who have sacrificed their lives, and fathers who live with guilt because they survived when their children didn’t. There are fathers who would give the world just to see their kids smile and others who run away from responsibility. I’ve read about fathers who abuse, who destroy, who betray. And I’ve read about fathers who are there in their child’s darkest moments, holding their hands, promising that everything will be okay.

Like I said, there are all kinds of fathers. But none quite like my best friend.

I could start by saying, “He’s a superhero.” But that would be the child in me speaking. Instead, let me tell you about the man who would give up everything just to make his children happy. The man who never says no, even when he probably should. The man who embraces his kids exactly as they are, even though he comes from a place where many fathers would turn away in shame.

He is the kind of father every child dreams of having. Even in the hardest times, he does his best to give his children everything they need. Saying he works hard is an understatement. He puts other men to shame with his unwavering love and dedication. He supports, he understands, he cares, and most of all – he stands by you, no matter what.

Like all best friends, we fight. We argue, we stop talking for days. But then, we snap out of it. Because, really, how can you stay mad at your best friend? I tell him everything – my secrets, my dreams, the little things that make me happy, and, of course, my boy troubles. He always listens. When I had my first heartbreak, he was there. When I was across the world, crying on the phone because I wanted to come home, he stayed on the line, talking me through it. Midnight emergencies, injuries, homesickness, fights with my sister – he’s been there for it all.

I’ve heard countless childhood stories with him, though I don’t remember all the details. What I do remember is the father who said, “Let her live, make her mistakes, and learn from them.” I remember the way he took care of me when I had all four wisdom teeth removed at once. I remember the tears of joy in his eyes when he handed me a card to congratulate me on earning my first paycheck. I remember our inside jokes, our shared love for movies, and the way popcorn always made everything better. Hindi movies with subtitles, drive-in theaters, our first trip alone together, the first time he put me on a flight home by myself – all of it is etched in my heart.

He has taught me more than I can put into words. He taught me to stand up for myself, to never settle for less than I deserve, and to chase my dreams fearlessly. He showed me what unconditional love looks like. He is the reason I know how to dream in the first place.

Time and life have pulled us apart in small ways, as they do with everyone. But even now, when I have news to share, when I’m excited, bored, or just need someone to talk to, I run to him. And even now, no matter how busy he is, he listens. He always listens.

Because that’s what best friends do.

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