FriendshipEssay 300

Losing a Best Friend

“I hate you” is probably the worst thing you can hear from your best friend. I never felt as much pain as I did on May 5, 2019 – the day I lost my so-called best friend forever. It seems that “forever” isn’t as long as it once was. I believe that life goes on.

I lost my best friend because of boys and lies. The worst part is that it all happened because of one date – when jealousy got the best of her, and she took things the wrong way. I haven’t really talked to anyone about it, even though maybe I should have. If I had shared my feelings, they might not have built up inside me, waiting to burst out at any moment. I keep remembering all the good times we shared, and now, whenever I think of them, I end up crying. I try to see something positive in being without her, but nothing can replace her presence. I feel like I can’t trust anyone anymore.

Losing someone I’ve been best friends with since I was 9 is tough, and I know I’ll be upset for a while. Even thinking about it makes me want to cry, but I have to stay strong. No matter how much I want to, I can’t change the past. I may never trust someone the way I used to, but I’ll try my best. Sometimes, bad things happen so that better things can come along.

When I regret something, I remind myself not to repeat the mistake and instead focus on making things better. Through all of this, I’ve realized that some people were never really my friends. But I also discovered true friends I can count on. They may not be who I expected, but at least I have someone. No matter what, you’ll always have a friend. I’ve learned to keep my real friends close because they’re one of the most valuable things in life.

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