Here you can see answers to the questions we get most commonly. In case you want to get any additional information, make sure to check out this page first. In case you don’t find what you need, feel free to message us.
Where are the samples on FriendshipEssay taken from?
The essay samples displayed on our website are academic papers written by a team of experienced writers. All our writers have many years of experience in academic writing. Some are willing to share their work to help others improve their results and find inspiration for writing outstanding papers. It is also possible for anyone to donate their paper through our special web page.
Are the essays 100% free? No payment required at all?
That’s correct; all the works displayed on the website are free. Our main objective is to lend a helping hand to students who struggle with writing essays without breaking school rules and cheating. For that reason, all the papers provided by us can only be used for research purposes.
Is it allowed to submit one of the essays as your own?
FriendshipEssay team stands against academic dishonesty. We are not supporters of cheating, plagiarizing, or any other way of violating school rules. We are convinced that written assignments are an important part of academic life. However, we realize that some students are objectively better writers than others. This was the reason for creating our website: to help struggling students get inspiration, discover more topics, and providing a starting point for their own research. Submitting one of the works as your own is forbidden because it’s strictly against our policy.
Is it possible to request an essay sample on a particular topic?
No, we can’t provide you with an essay on a specific topic. However, we have a huge database with works on friendship topic. Make sure to visit our website from time to time. We upload new papers regularly, so you might eventually find what you need.
Can I submit an essay to FriendshipEssay?
When it comes to choosing works for submission, we have high standards. For that reason, most of the time, our team reaches out to experienced writers first. However, we have a share your paper page, where anyone can donate their work. All you need to do is complete the form and attach your paper. If it meets our requirements, it will be published.
How does FriendshipEssay ensure that the papers are of good quality?
A team of editors reviews each submitted paper to make sure it has a minimum of grammatical, stylistic, and factual mistakes. We also see if the works adhere to a particular citation style. We make sure all our published essays are of good quality.
What kind of topics do your samples cover?
Our site is dedicated to a single topic: friendship. All the essays in our database focus on friendship and friends. So, if you need help or inspiration for writing an essay on this topic, you’ll likely find what you need here.
Is there a right way to work with the examples from your website?
Our samples can be used as inspiration or source material for your own research. They can also be an inspiration for writing on your topic of choice. In case you want to take information directly from the source, you should cite it according to the required citation style. For your convenience, there is a useful tool at the bottom of every sample page to help you cite the text correctly.
In what way using FriendshipEssay samples is beneficial?
We know that struggling with written assignments can make you feel stressed out and discouraged. When it happens, you can keep trying to finish the task on your own or turn to someone who can help. Naturally, you won’t find a free essay writer here. It may also be hard to find a professional who can do their job really well. FriendshipEssay offers an alternative solution. Our website provides users with a vast database of friendship essays. Here you can get inspiration, learn more about the topics for your essays, get familiar with different citation styles, and find many resources to study for your subject.
Do you have other kinds of papers besides essays?
At first, our database contained only essay samples. However, we kept expanding, and at some point, we realized that we shouldn’t restrict ourselves to just one type of work. On our website, you can find such academic papers as articles, critical writing, case studies, etc.
Does your database contain snippets or full essays?
Our website provides full essays written by students. Snippets are usually published on websites with paywalls;we, however, grant our users free access to papers. We publish works that are meant for research purposes. For that reason, you can only find complete papers and not snippets on
Is there a way to look up a similar essay? There is a paper I really like, and I want to find similar works?
If you are looking for more similar works, you can find related essays on the page of each sample. You might also want to see the listings placed in the category of your paper of choice.
What if I want to take down my essay from your page?
In case you have donated your work to our website but no longer wish it to be there, you can fill in a Content Removal Request. Our team will take down your content upon reviewing the form.