FriendshipEssay 250

Building a Meaningful Friendship

Friendship is a vital part of life, especially in forming strong relationships. A meaningful friendship is long-lasting, supportive, feels like family, and adapts to different situations (Winkle-Wagner et al., 2019). I believe my friendship has strengthened because we both make an effort to find common interests and support each other.

I want to explore this topic further by sharing my personal experience. Recently, I talked with my best friend about how we met and how our friendship grew.

It was a regular school day, with students coming and going, chatting about assignments. I had just started my junior year, excited to learn new things and meet new people. That’s when I met one of my closest friends, someone I now share a strong bond with. My friend remembers our first meeting as a moment when we made eye contact, had a short conversation, and instantly connected. However, I believe our friendship truly began to grow when we started doing things we both enjoyed, like watching movies and playing tennis. These shared interests helped us understand each other better and strengthen our commitment to our friendship.

The most important moment in building our friendship was when she helped me during a difficult time. I told her that was when I realized how much we cared about each other. Since then, we have always supported one another, and I thanked her for showing me what true friendship means.

In conclusion, building a meaningful friendship requires time and effort from both sides. It involves sharing experiences, enjoying common interests, and supporting each other through difficult times. However, once you find a true friend, they will bring joy and positivity into your life.


Winkle-Wagner, R., McCallum, C. M., Luedke, C., & Ota-Malloy, B. (2019). Instrumental or meaningful friendships: Black alumnae perspectives on peer relationships during college. Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education, 12(3), 283–298.

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